There are Forex sites, and there are forex sites. If you are looking for fancy add copy and flash, this is not the place for you. No Login Required. There is market content about Forex, Futures, Stocks, Options, and more. Forex Trading Unlocked provides Free market information and trading tools for all levels of traders. Veteran traders and novices alike will find this site useful. Every day, more trading driven content is added to enhance the user experience.
Start your day by viewing our economic calendar. It provides all of the global economic releases for the week. This information is for all of the major countries that influence the world of finance. Then view some video clips about the current global financial news. After this, pull up the charting page. Manipulate charts in multiple time frames. Currencies, Stock Indexes, Metals, Grains, Oil, and more can be found here.
Other highlights to Forex Trading Unlocked are the Free trading lessons, Educational courses, video clips, market analysis, Reuters, Bloomberg, trading signals, and Free Trading Apps. Many activities can be made easy with our Forex Trading Unlocked 2012 trading app. Everything on the website is accessible from the trading app. And this is just the beginning. It is our pledge to continuously update this website and make it a great trading tool for anyone.
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