KRX - Korea Exchange

  KRX Korea Exchange provides integrated services by operating a single trading and clearing platform for a variety of spot and derivatives products, and offers 24-hour trading of its famous KOSPI 200 futures and options in collaboration with global partner exchanges.

  Building on KRX's experience and stable infrastructure, KRX Derivatives Market offers viable and accessible marketplace for derivatives products.

  With markets across equity indexes, interest rates, foreign exchange, individual equities, commodities, KRX Derivatives Market serves the increasing risk management needs of commercial hedgers, financial investors, and risk managers worldwide.

  Since the listing of the KOSPI 200 Futures in May of 1996 and KOSPI 200 Options in July of 1997, the KRX Derivatives Market has grown into one of the key derivatives markets in the world.

  KRX Derivatives Market has achieved a high level of excellence in market operation and fair market management, emerging as a model among derivatives markets.

Kospi Composite Index

The following links are for the KRX main sites:

KRX - Korea ExchangeThis site provides various information including market summary, market data etc.

ETF - Korea ExchangeThis site provides detailed information on our ETF market including ETF products, market data etc.

Global KRX (CME/Eurex)This site provides useful information on KOSPI200 Futures on Globex or KOSPI200 Options on Eurex etc.

Market Oversight Commission (MOC) -  This site provides useful information on the MOC including introduction to MOC, prevention and regulation of unfair trading etc

KRX MobileThis site provides various information including market summary, market data etc through mobile devices.

Quick KRX links:



Derivatives - Futures



Listing & Disclosure

Rules & Regulations

Information Center

About the KRX

  Economic Environment, Advanced Trading Infrastructure, Attractive Products.  These factors have contributed to the impressive growth of the KRX Derivatives Market.

Products offered by the KRX : 

Gold Futures

Mini-gold Futures

Single Stock Futures

KRX 24-hour Product (KOSPI 200 Futures)

KRX 24-hour Product (KOSPI 200 Options)

KRX Clearing Service for OTC Derivatives

Equity Index Products

Interest Rate Products

Commodity Products (Lean Hog Futures)

Currency Futures (Yen, Euro Futures)